Thursday, October 2, 2008

With olive oil work for acne scars

« ...The first reason is that it is not possible for antibiotics to eradicate all acne problem from its root. Even though it not only kills P.acnes, but also all other good bacteria in your body, but is it workable in a long run? It is impossible to depend on antibiotics for long term acne treatment, period. ...
...Acne is caused by pores on the skin becoming blocked by bacteria that find their way in, which causes swellings, spots, and red lesions to appear, usually on the face and neck. There is increasing evidence that acne may be hereditary, so see if you can find any pictures of your father and if necessary lay all the blame on him. As this is such a widespread problem, a whole commercial industry has sprung up over the years, with many people making absolute fortunes on the back of others' misfortunes....»
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«...In most cases, a patient will need to undergo a series of treatments for maximum results. For most individuals who elect to undergo this procedure there is very little discomfort associated with the process. Moreover, a person does not normally need to wait a significant amount of time from one blue light acne procedure to the next. In other words, a person can obtain multiple treatments designed to clear up an acne condition in a fairly short period of time. Results can be seen in a short time frame....»
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tags: acne scarring, how to make acne redness go away, body acne remedies

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