Saturday, September 27, 2008

Proactive helped my adult acne

« ...By making some simple changes to your diet you can clear your skin, like I did. All you need to do is to learn the facts about the acne-diet link. For more information about clearing your acne visit my website....
...At this point, you get to choose a type of treatment for your skin problem. Some people wish to use the older passed down home remedy approach, while others are looking for the very latest in skin care with its promises of a rapid fix....»
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«...Carrots or any vegetables and fruits that contain a high amount of vitamin A is very good at treating acne even when they are consumed alone. Accutane, one of the world's most effective acne treatment medicine is derived from vitamin A. But, accutane has tons of serious side effects, so I think you should stay away from accutane. You can enjoy the benefits of vitamin A by just eating a lot of carrots or any other fruits....»
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tags: pearl powder acne skin, how to get rid of acne on your chest, acne free scar removing lotion

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