Monday, August 4, 2008

Causes of female adult acne and what causes acne during pregnancy

As far as acne treatments are concerned there are a few effective treatments, some preventive and other curative. The preventive treatments keep the skin clean and clear to prevent clogged pores. They clean the skin without causing irritation. These cleaners should be part of your daily skin care routine.
If your back acne is light to moderate you could use a Regimen. The Regimen works well but remember that it contains benzoyl peroxide and it will have a bleaching effect on any clothing that comes into contact with it. I would suggest wearing white shirts if you plan on using this as your form of back acne treatment.
Prevention and Maintenance of Remission in Inflammatory AcneSome dermatologists put very young patients with comedonal acne on a regimen of a mild topical retinoid to squelch microcomedones and prevent their development into inflammatory lesions.After successful acne treatment, Dr Millikan likes to maintain remission with topical retinoid therapy.In addition to maintaining clear skin, the topical retinoids can also slow photoaging and therefore may be used throughout adulthood.
tags: acne of forehead hormonal, acne during menstruation, can testo booster cause acne

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